China’s Data Diplomacy:
know the liberalized data export regulations!

Thursday, 25 April, 4:00 pm

Location: German Centre Shanghai, Tower 1, Basement Conference Centre
(Keyuan Road No. 88, Pudong, Shanghai 上海市浦东新区科苑路88号)
Language: English
Price: Free of charge

Presentation and Q&A

On 22 March 2024, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) published new regulations on cross-border data flows, which took effect immediately. These regulations relax the requirements for cross-border data transfers. In this event you will learn about

  • the cases in which a data processor will enjoy reduced legal obligations
  • when a data processor must undergo a security assessment by the CAC
  • when a data processor must sign a standard contract with the data recipient outside the mainland of China, and which further procedures must be observed
  • which special rules apply in pilot FTZs
  • what has changed in the simultaneously updated security assessment guide and standard contract guide

Afterwards, enjoy the networking atmosphere at the German Centre Shanghai with snacks and beer.


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Presentation „China’s Data Diplomacy“:

Sebastian Wiendieck
Lawyer and Partner
Rödl & Partner China